[WS] Densha de GO!(電車でGO!)


Title Densha de GO!
Developer TAITO
Language Japanese
JAN 4988611990018
Release Date March 1999
Components ROM cartridge


タイトル 電車でGO!
メーカー タイトー
プラットフォーム ワンダースワン/ワンダースワンカラー
言語 日本語
JAN 4988611990018
発売日 1999年3月
商品構成 ROMカートリッジ

Availability: 1 in stock

 “Densha de GO!” is a train simulation game series released by TAITO. The first title was arcade video game, which was released in 1996. After the release, the various versions for the home videogame consoles including PLAY STATION, NINTENDO64, PLAY STATION 2 were released. WONDER SWAN version includes the four actual Japanese railway lines of JR raliway company. The player can simulate these lines. 

Densha de GO! Densha de GO! Densha de GO! Densha de GO! Densha de GO! Densha de GO! Densha de GO! Densha de GO!

Weight 0.199 kg
Densha de GO![WS] Densha de GO!(電車でGO!)

Availability: 1 in stock

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