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PC Engine is a home video game console developed by NEC and HUDSON, it was sold by NEC in 1987. This console was sold as TurboGrafx-16 in North America. This competitors were NINTENDO’s NES (Family computer as known as famicom in Japan) and SEGA’s MASTER SYSTEM (known as SEGA Mark III in Japan) in the end of 1980s when the console was launched up. The total sales of this console series reached 10,000,000 units all over the world. Hucard was introduced into the system for the ROM media of the video game software. Also this console was the first console which introduced CD-ROM system known as “CD-ROM2” into the system on the world. The console have the unique conception called “Core conception”, which makes the console have the high extendability as well as PC. Other than PC ENGINE DUO series, most of the consoles install only the minimum specifications, their expansion bus enables to connect to the external peripheral equipment (Howver, the bus forms aren’t united, it was sometimes controversial).  Although this console is 8-bit machine, many titles for this console is highly evaluated. And the ported titles from CAPCOM and SEGA etc. are also highly acclaimed because the console can run these works  regardless of the hardware’s limitation.     

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