Catalog Spec

Developer SEGA
Release date in Japan October 1985
Media ROM cartridge
CPU NEC uPD780C-1 (equivalent to Z80A) 3.579545MHz
VDP (Video Display Processor) YAMAHA’s 315-5124, an upper compatible of TMS9918
Graphic 256*192 dots
Sprite: 8*8 dots, 8:16 dots (maximum 64 pcs),
8 pcs valid in one horizontal line
Valid colors: 16 colors on the one pallet in 64 colors
Sound SN76489 with square wave 3ch & noise 1ch in 315-5124
List price in Japan 15,000 yen

SEGA Mark III is a SEGA’s videogame console released in 1985. SEGA could get the success in the sales of the previous console “SG-1000”, but the machine was redesigned as gaming version of SC-3000. Plus, SEGA is a developer of arcade videogames, therefore SEGA realized that it was necessary to develop the new home gaming console which could cover the titles ported from arcade videogames. At the timing of the development of the console, NINTENDO’S Family Computer (NES) started to be released. When SEGA Mark III was released in 1985, its specification could match the one of NES. Although both the console and EPOC’s Super cassette vision were the home video gaming console which could match NES, the explosive spread of NES were superior to the other consoles. Before NEC’s PC Engince was released in October 1987,  SEGA Mark III was the unique console could rival with NES. In October 1987, MASTER SYSTEM was released, this type console was the minor changed version of  SEGA Mark III, which includes FM synthesis unit and the rapid fire function in the controller. This console couldn’t win NES in the market in Japan and the United states, but SEGA fought un European market and could obtain some success.  

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